I am very agreed with one of the senior investor, saying that "investing" is something quite difficult to teach someone, be it your spouse, friend or relative, if they don't have "get rich seed" planted in their mind. I like one point he call to buy a stock Jaya Tiasa (currently RM2.30) and keep for 3 to 5 years to see if he is right or wrong. If he's right, you will double your fund, if wrong, you will still gain some experience. Enjoy reading the full content below: (from http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/koonyewyinblog/45867.jsp ) The last time I published ‘ How to become a super investor? ’ I received more than 200 commentaries. Of course, most of the commentaries are good, but a few are really bad and insulting. In fact, one doubted my sincerity and accused me of trying to promote Jaya Tiasa. Fortunately or unfortunately, Jaya Tiasa did go up by about 20%, soon after the publication of my article. It went up too fast and not sustainable. As expect...
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