Learn How to Play the Money Game

What is money? Everyone know the answer... but do you know money is one of the biggest pain in most people's life? Some will think how nice if I do not need to work every day. What's the key principal for lasting Wealth ?

  • The key to wealth is positive Cash Flow
  • Anything reduce the amount of Cash is Expenses
  • Anything that increase your Cash Flow is going to expend your level of Wealth. 
  • Time can change for Money, but Money can not buy Time (Everyone is equal, 24 hours a day and will expiry if you don't use it)
  • Cash can be generated from 2 main source, Passive and Passion.
  • The aim is to build the Money Making Machine to generate Passive Income, let the money working for you.
  • Money Making Machine need time to grow and generate income.
  • Money management is to balance Expenses and Income (Expense = Income)
  • The key to Financial Freedom: Income > Expenses

In summary, learning how to play money game is important, it's involve certain skill and strategies to accelerate your income. Once you have more income, you may need to learn the skill of manage the money. Final stage is know how to invest the money effectively.

Once achieve Financial Freedom, you may stop working as the money lasting is forever (or you choose continue to work). Remember, the GOAL of creating wealth is to help you grow yourself into the best person. Have a lot of money is not the principal goal... nobody can take the money along with them when they leave in the end... it took me years to understand this!


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